Jasa rakyat Aceh terhadap negeri ini sungguh amat besar. Ketika pemerintah pusat di Yogya ditangkap Belanda dalam perang mempertahankan kemerdekaan, dibentuklah PDRI (Pemerintahan Darurat RI) yang berpusat di Bukittingi, Sumatera Barat. Yang tidak diketahui khalayak banyak, semua pengeluaran dan dana operasionil PDRI ini dibiayai oleh rakyat Aceh.
Dari dana operasionil Staf Angkatan Laut, dan Staf Angkatan Udara, misi
diplomasi Dr. Soedarsono ke India dan L. N. Palar di markas besar PBB di New
York, AS, dana operasional perwakilan RI di Penang dan Singapura, ongkos
pengeluaran duta keliling RI Haji Agus Salim dan biaya konferensi Asia di New
Delhi, India, seluruhnya juga ditanggung oleh rakyat Aceh.
Semua itu dilakukan rakyat Aceh dengan ikhlas karena tahu bahwa perjuangan
mempertahankan kemerdekaan termasuk amalan jihad fisabililah yang sangat tinggi
nilai pahalanya.
Belum cukup dengan segala pengorbanan itu semua, rakyat Aceh juga dengan ikhlas
membeli dua buah pesawat terbang untuk dihibahkan kepada pemerintah pusat.
Pembelian pesawat ini memakai mata uang dollar yang diperoleh dari hasil
sumbangan rakyat Aceh.
Para perempuan Aceh melepas cincin, kalung, anting, dan segala perhiasan emas
peraknya yang kemudian dikumpulkan untuk ditukar dengan uang. Uang itulah yang
digunakan untuk membeli pesawat yang diberi nama Seulawah yang berarti “Gunung
Latar belakang pembelian dua pesawat ini sungguh-sungguh mengharukan: Bulan
Juni 1948, Soekarno berkunjung ke Aceh. Dalam suatu pertemuan di Hotel Aceh, 16
Juni 1948, Bung Karno berkata, “Alangkah baiknya jika Indonesia mempunyai kapal
udara untuk memperkuat pertahanan negara dan mempererat hubungan antara pulau
dan pulau.” Hanya dalam hitungan jam setelah Bung Karno menyatakan hal itu,
pengusaha-pengusaha Aceh yang tergabung dalam Gabungan Saudagar Indonesia
Daerah Aceh (Gasida) menggelar pertemuan khusus. Mereka sepakat rakyat Aceh
akan bersatu mengumpulkan uang dan segala perhiasan emas perak untuk membeli
Dalam waktu dua hari terkumpul dana sekitar 130.000 Straits Dollar (Dollar
Singapura). Ketua Gasida, Muhammad Juned Yusuf, beserta beberapa anggota
Panitia Dana Dakota pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1948 segera berangkat ke Singapura
dengan membawa dana tersebut dan emas seberat dua kilogram.
Semua itu diserahkan kepada Ketua Komisi Pembelian Pesawat Opsir Udara II
Wiweko. Setelah memakan waktu sekitar tiga bulan, sebuah pesawat Dakota tiba ke
tanah air pada Oktober 1948. Pesawat tersebut diberi nomor registrasi RI-001
sebagai nomor pesawat khusus VIP. Inilah yang kemudian diberi nama Seulawah
alias Gunung Emas. Sedang pesawat yang satunya tidak diketahui apa dan
bagaimana keberadaannya hingga kini.
Bulan November 1948, Bung Hatta berkeliling Sumatera setelah melalui Magelang,
Yogyakarta, Jambi, Payakumbuh, dan Banda Aceh, lalu pulang kembali ke Yogya.
Setelah melakukan penerbangan selama 50 jam terbang, maka pada 6 Desember 1948
Seulawah diterbangkan ke Calcuta, India, untuk menjalani pemeriksaan dan
Tanggal 20 Januari 1949, Seulawah selesai dirawat. Namun karena situasi di
tanah air tidak memungkinkan, maka atas seizin pemerintah Burma, Seulawah
diizinkan mendarat di Rangoon dan di negeri ini Seulawah melayani penerbangan
sipil lebih kurang satu setengah tahun lamanya untuk menghimpun dana perjuangan
bagi Republik Indonesia. Pada 2 Agustus 1950 Seulawah tiba kembali ke tanah air
melewati rute Rangoon, Bangkok, Medan, dan mendarat di Bandung sehari
setelahnya. Seulawah inilah cikal bakal perusahaan penerbangan niaga Indonesia
pertama yang kemudian menjelma menjadi Garuda Indonesian Airways.
Saat Yogyakarta dikembalikan kepada republik, pemerintah RI sama sekali tidak
punya uang untuk menggerakkan roda pemerintahannya. Dari Aceh, lagi-lagi,
rakyatnya menggalang dana yang segera dialirkan ke Yogyakarta. Berbagai
sumbangan berupa uang, alat tulis, alat-alat kantor seperti mesin tik dan
sebagainya, serta obat-obatan, mengalir dari Aceh ke Yogya.
Bahkan rakyat Aceh kala itu menyumbangkan emas batangan seberat 5 kilogram
kepada pemerintah pusat. Yang terakhir ini pun menguap entah kemana. Rakyat
Aceh juga sangat prihatin dengan kondisi kesehatan Panglima Besar Jenderal
Sudirman yang dikenal sebagai panglima yang sholih dan taat agama, sebab itu
dari Aceh dikirimkan 40 botol obat suntik streptomisin guna mengobati penyakit
paru-paru beliau.
Inilah wujud nasionalisme rakyat Aceh yang sangat tinggi dalam mempertahankan
keberadaan Republik Indonesia yang kala itu masih berusia sangat muda dan
sangat lemah. Tidak berlebihan kiranya, tanpa solidaritas Muslim Aceh,
pemerintah Republik Indonesia akan sangat sulit mempertahankan dirinya, bahkan
tidak mungkin akan lenyap ditelan keganasan Belanda.
Bung Karno pun saat itu menjuluki Aceh sebagai daerah modal bagi perjuangan
Republik Indonesia. Bahkan dalam kunjungan pertamanya ke Aceh tahun 1948,
kepada tokoh Aceh Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh, Bung Karno berjanji akan
mendukung penerapan syariat Islam di seluruh wilayah Aceh. Sesuatu yang tidak
lama kemudian dikhianati Bung Karno sendiri.
Pengorbanan seluruh rakyat Aceh kepada Republik Indonesia sangatlah besar dan
vital. Aceh sungguh-sungguh menjadi daerah modal, menjadi semacam gudang uang
bagi pemerintahan pusat dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahannya dan
mempertahankan diri dari gempuran Belanda.
Nasionalisme rakyat Aceh sangat tinggi. Jasa rakyat Aceh bagi Republik
Indonesia tak ternilai harganya. Tapi bagaimana balasan dari pemerintahan pusat
kepada rakyat Aceh ketika Republik Indonesia sudah tegak berdiri di bawah
pemerintah Presiden Soekarno?
Aceh Seminggu Jadi Ibukota Republik Indonesia
Hampir terlupakan dari sejarah, bahwa Aceh pernah jadi ibukota sementara Republik Indonesia.
Peristiwa fenomenal itu terjadi pada tahun 1948, ketika pasukan
Belanda melancarkan agresi militer II terhadap Jogyakarta, yang pada waktu
menjadi ibukota RI. Dalam waktu sekejap, Jogyakarta jatuh dan dikuasai Belanda.
Waktu itu, presiden pertama Indonesia, Soekarno yang sedang mengendalikan
pemerintahan terpaksa harus memilih jalan untuk menyelamatkan bangsa. Tidak ada
pilihan lain waktu itu, presiden Soekarno terpaksa mengasingkan diri ke Aceh.
Setelah di amati waktu itu Biruen salah satu daerah di Aceh di anggap sebagai
lokasi paling aman.
Soekarno berangkat ke Bireuen dengan menumpangi pesawat udara Dakota. Pesawat yang dikemudi oleh putra Aceh yaitu Teuku Iskandar, mendarat dengan mulus di lapangan terbang sipil Cot Gapu pada Juni 1948. Kedatangan rombongan presiden di sambut Gubernur Militer Aceh, Teungku Daud Beureu’eh, Panglima Divisi X, Kolonel Hussein Joesoef, para perwira militer Divisi X, alim ulama dan para tokoh masyarakat. Tidak ketinggalan anak-anak Sekolah Rakyat (SR) juga ikut menyambut kedatangan presiden sekaligus PanglimaTertinggi Militer itu. Malam harinya di lapangan terbang Cot Gapu diselenggarakan Leising (rapat) akbar. Presiden Soekarno dengan ciri khasnya, berpidato berapi-api, membakar semangat juang rakyat Aceh di Keresidenan Bireuen yang membludak di lapangan terbang Cot Gapu. Masyarakat Aceh sangat bangga sekali dapat bertemu muka dan mendengar langsung pidato presiden Soekarno tentang agresi Belanda 1947-1948 yang telah menguasai kembali Sumatera Timur, dikenal sebagai Sumatera Utara sekarang.
Selama seminggu Presiden Soekarno berada di Aceh, aktivitas Republik dipusatkan di Bireuen. Beliau menginap dan mengendalikan pemerintahan RI di rumah kediaman Kolonel Hussein Joesoef (Meuligo Bupati Bireuen sekarang). Jelasnya, dalam keadaan darurat, Aceh pernah menjadi ibukota RI ketiga, setelah jatuhnya Yogyakarta ke dalam kekuasaan Belanda. Sayangnya catatan sejarah ini hampir terlupa dan tidak pernah tersurat dalam catatan sejarah kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Pesawat Seulawah Cikal Bakal PT. Garuda
Terselubung benar, tanpa diduga-duga ternyata pesawat pertama Indonesia merupakan hasil sumbangan dan jerih payah masyarakat Aceh. Pesawat Dakota RI-001 Seulawah, begitulah sebutannya (Pesawat tersebut sekarang diabadikan di Lap. Blang Padang – Banda Aceh). Pesawat ini adalah cikal bakal berdirinya perusahaan penerbangan niaga pertama Indonesian Airways yang sekarang disebut Garuda Indonesia. Pesawat ini sangat besar jasanya dalam perjuangan awal pembentukan negara Indonesia. Masyarakat Aceh menyerahkan pesawat terbang Seulawah pada 1948 kepada pemerintah RI untuk meneruskan perjuangan melawan penjajahan Belanda. Sumbangan dari rakyat Aceh tersebut setara dengan 20 kg emas.
Ketika keadaan sedang genting, Bung Karno berseru kepada seluruh masyarakat
Indonesia bahwa dari Acehlah perjuangan diteruskan merebut setiap jengkal tanah
yang diduduki Belanda. Biar negara ini tinggal selebar payung, perjuangan tetap
diteruskan sampai penjajah angkat kaki dari bumi Indonesia. Untuk menggempur
blockade Belanda, maka negara memerlukan sebuah pesawat terbang. Sudah beberapa
wilayah di Sumatera Bung Karno singgahi, namun hanya masyarakat Aceh lah yang
memenuhi anjuran Bung Karno untuk menyumbangkan pesawat terbang.
Jika di lihat dari segi fisik, Pesawat Dakota RI-001 ini memiliki panjang badan 19,66 meter dan rentang sayap 28.96 meter. Bertenaga dua mesin Pratt & Whitney, berbobot 8.030 kg. Sementara kemampuan jelajahnya, dengan kecepatan maksimum 346 km/jam. Kehadiran Dakota RI-001 membuka jalur penerbangan Jawa-Sumatera, bahkan sampai ke luar negeri. Pada bulan November 1948, Wakil Presiden Mohammad Hatta mengadakan perjalanan keliling Sumatera dengan rute Maguwo-Jambi-Payakumbuh-Kutaraja-Payakumbuh-Maguwo.
Emas Monas Sumbangan Saudagar Aceh, Teuku Markam
Monumen Nasional (Monas) Jakarta dengan 38 kg emas yang dipajang di puncak tugu memiliki keindahan yang sangat merona. Ternyata di balik megahnya monument tersebut 28 kg dari 38 kg emas di Monas merupakan sumbangan dari salah seorang saudagar Aceh yang pernah menjadi orang terkaya Indonesia, beliau adalah Teuku Markam. Tentu saja banyak bantuan-bantuan Teuku Markam lainnya yang pantas dicatat dalam memajukan perekonomian Indonesia di zaman Soekarno, hingga menempatkan Markam dalam sebuah legenda.
Aktivitas bisnisnya ditekan habis-habisan. Ahli warisnya hidup terlunta-lunta sampai ada yang menderita depresi mental. Hingga kekuasaan Orba berakhir, nama baik Teuku Markam tidak pernah direhabilitir.
Anak-anaknya mencoba bertahan hidup dengan segala daya upaya dan memanfaatkan bekas koneksi-koneksi bisnis Teuku Markam. Dan kini, ahli waris Teuku Markam tengah berjuang mengembalikan hak-hak orang tuanya.
Mengingat peran yang begitu besar dalam percaturan bisnis dan perekonomian Indonesia, Teuku Markam pernah disebut-sebut sebagai anggota kabinet bayangan pemerintahan Soekarno. Peran Markam menjadi runtuh seiring dengan berkuasanya pemerintahan Rezim Presiden Soeharto berkuasa di Indonesia.
Sungguh menyedihkan, akhirnya Ia ditahan selama delapan tahun dengan tuduhan terlibat PKI. Harta kekayaannya diambil alih begitu saja oleh Rezim Orba. Pernah mencoba bangkit sekeluar dari penjara, tapi tidak sempat bertahan lama. Tahun 1985 ia meninggal dunia. Aktivitas bisnisnya ditekan habis-habisan. Ahli warisnya hidup terlunta-lunta sampai ada yang menderita depresi mental. Hingga kekuasaan Orba berakhir, nama baik Teuku Markam tidak pernah dilakukan rehabilitir selama ini oleh masyarakat dan pemerintah.
Arun dan Pemberontakan di Aceh
Fasilitas Arun LNG telah menjadi kontributor penting untuk keseimbangan positif nasional alam Indonesia gas / LNG perdagangan. Arun (Lhokseumawe, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam) telah memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi perekonomian nasional dan lokal selama lebih dari tiga dekade. Lain gas industri berbasis dikembangkan di sekitar Arun, termasuk dua pabrik pupuk terkemuka dalam negeri, AAF (Asean Aceh Fertilizer) dan Iskandar Muda.
Provinsi Aceh merupakan daerah yang memiliki tradisi panjang melawan pemerintah pusat Indonesia di Jakarta. Resistensi ini dimulai sebagai sebuah gerakan keagamaan, namun memperoleh nada yang berbeda sekali Mobil Oil Indonesia (MOI) menemukan kekayaan besar minyak dan gas alam di Lhok Seumawe, Aceh Utara pada tahun 1971.
Penemuan ini terinspirasi perkembangan Lhok Seumawe Kawasan Industri (Zils), sebuah kantong yang ditujukan untuk minyak dan bahan bakar gas ekstraksi (LNG) alami untuk ekspor luar negeri. Sementara Zils telah menguntungkan bagi MOI (kini disebut Exxon Mobil Indonesia) dan kekuasaan broker di Jakarta, Aceh hanya mengalami efek samping yang berbahaya zona ini: degradasi lingkungan, dislokasi keluarga pribumi, arus masuk besar pekerja migran, dan gangguan dalam tradisional mereka mata pencaharian. Ini ketidakadilan menyebabkan munculnya Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM), depan separatis bertekad untuk melihat Aceh menjadi kesultanan mandiri dan kaya minyak.
Exxon Mobil telah berusaha untuk menyajikan dirinya sebagai pemain “netral” dalam perang dilancarkan antara Jakarta dan pemberontak, mempertahankan pemisahan yang agak palsu antara bisnis dan “politik”. Strategi ini telah terbukti berhasil. Baru-baru ini, pemberontak Aceh secara khusus ditargetkan Exxon Mobil, suatu perkembangan yang telah memimpin perusahaan untuk menghentikan produksi LNG di Zils sampai keamanan dikembalikan ke provinsi.
Masih banyak lagi hutang Indonesia kepada Aceh.
1. Ketika wilayah Indonesia hampir dikuasai seluruhnya oleh Belanda saat perang kemerdekaan, Acehlah yang menjadi donatur bagi Indonesia. Aceh mendanai kegiatan-kegiatan duta dan perwakilan RI ke luar negeri, juga membiayai perwakilan PBB.
Selain itu, Aceh juga membiayai misi perjalanan menteri muda Luar Negeri RI, H. Agus Salim, ke Timur Tengah dan saat mengikuti konferensi Asia di New Delhi. Saat Pemerintahan pusat yang berada di Yogyakarta vacum, Aceh juga menyediakan dana bagi pemerintahan.
2. Rakyat Aceh juga pernah menyumbangkan dua pesawat bagi pemerintahan RI. Pesawat itu adalah pesawat jenis dakota yaitu Seulawah RI-001 dan Dakota RI-002 yang dibeli di Singapura, Oktober 1948. Para pengusaha aceh juga memberikan satu pesawat jenis "Avro Anson RI-004" yang dibeli di Thailand , pesawat -pesawat itu dibayar dengan menggunakan emas murni sumbangan rakyat Aceh. Jadi, tiga pesawat pemberian Aceh inilah yang menjadi armada pertama Indonesia yang dapat menembus blokade udara Belanda.
3. Aceh juga memberikan sebuah kapal yang berbobot 100 ton dengan nomor registrasi PPB 58 LB kepada armada laut RI.
4. Aceh juga memiliki sebuah radio yang dikenal dengan "Radio Rimba Raya" yang bertempatkan di Takengon, Aceh Tengah.
Banyak juga yang melupakan peranan Radio rimba raya ini bagi kemerdekaan Indonesia. Berita tentang kemerdekaan Indonesia diketahui oleh dunia melalui radio ini.
5. Pasukan dari Aceh juga pernah melakukan Long March menuju front "Medan Area" ketika Medan, Sumatera Utara berhasil dikuasai Belanda. Ini merupakan bentuk komitmen Aceh demi kemerdekaan RI. Sehingga saat itu Aceh dikenal sebagai daerah yang memiliki basis pertahanan yang paling kuat di wilayah Sumatera.
Balasan Indonesia untuk rakyat ACEH adalah :
1. Presiden Soekarno pernah ingkar janji kepada Aceh. Ketika itu, beliau pernah memohon sambil berlinang air mata pada Aceh untuk tetap mendukung Indonesia dan tetap menjadi penyuplai
dana demi kemerdekaan Indonesia. Beliau berjanji akan memberi otonomi khusus kepada Aceh untuk menjalankan syariat islam di wilayahnya sendiri.
Janji itu meluluh lantakkan hati orang Aceh yang ternyata tak kunjung ditepati oleh Soekarno. Karena itulah, akhirnya Aceh memberontak lalu muncullah konflik berkepanjangan hingga perjanjian damai di Helsinki antara Aceh dan RI digaungkan.
2. Konflik ACEH yang berkecamuk dijawab dengan "Darurat Militer" oleh Indonesia dan menjadi ajang 'GENOCIDE'. Tragedi Simpang KKA, Rumoh geudong, Pembantaian Tgk. Bantakiyah cs, Penghilangan paksa Aktivis Ulama yang menetang Kekerasan RI. Itu sedikit dari banyak kasus yang sampai sekarang hanya menjadi kisah pilu kami semata.
Seolah Komnas HAM berkata : TIDAK ADA HAM UNTUK KALIAN (Rakyat Aceh).
Harapan dan Kerinduan Rakyat Aceh Kian Mendalam
Begitu besarnya jasa rakyat Aceh terhadap NKRI mulai sejak perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia merupakan wakaf monumental rakyat aceh yang dibalut dengan keikhlasan. Hal ini tentunya menjadi alasan mendasar bahwa Aceh wajar dikatakan sebagai daerah modal kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Pasca konflik dan tsunami Aceh, hubungan Aceh dan Indonesia kian membaik setelah di tanda tanganinya MoU Helsinki 2006 lalu. Namun demikian, ternyata masih banyak poin-poin kesepakatan perdamaian yang seakan dalam permainan RI. Sehingga menunjukkan sikap belum ikhlasnya Indonesia dalam memperhatikan Aceh secara serius. Perlu dipahami oleh pemerintah Indonesia bahwa cinta yang ikhlas merupakan dambaan rakyat Aceh selama ini, Aceh yang aman rakyat sejahtera.
Artikel ini bersumber dari beberapa blog, bukan bertujuan memanas-manaskan suasana
yang terjadi sekarang antara Aceh dan Indonesia, tapi ini memang sejarah fakta yang terjadi,
yang terjadi sekarang antara Aceh dan Indonesia, tapi ini memang sejarah fakta yang terjadi,
sedangkan orang diluar Aceh,
terutama diluar pulau Sumatra, seperti Jawa, Kalimantan, sulawesi, dan lainnya menganggap
terutama diluar pulau Sumatra, seperti Jawa, Kalimantan, sulawesi, dan lainnya menganggap
orang Aceh berbuat salah, seperti kasus GAM yang paling terkenal dan sudah saya rasakan sendiri
seperti orang di luar Aceh berkomentar, sementara ada alasan mengapa di Aceh terjadi seperti itu,
ada alasan mengapa orang Aceh berbuat seperti itu, karena publik sudah banyak dibohongi Indonesia itu
seperti orang di luar Aceh berkomentar, sementara ada alasan mengapa di Aceh terjadi seperti itu,
ada alasan mengapa orang Aceh berbuat seperti itu, karena publik sudah banyak dibohongi Indonesia itu
sendiri mengapa Aceh terjadi kasus sedemikian rupa..
Sumber :
Debt Service Indonesia in Aceh
desperate people of Aceh on this country is very large indeed . When the central government in Yogya arrested by the Dutch in the war to maintain independence , established the Emergency Government ( Government Emergency RI ), based in Bukittinggi , West Sumatra . Many unknown audience , all Emergency Government expenditure and operational funds are financed by the people of Aceh .From the operational funds of the Navy , and the Air Force Staff , Dr. diplomatic missions . Soedarsono to India and L. N. Palar at UN headquarters in New York , U.S. , RI representative operational funds in Penang and Singapore , the cost of spending RI roving ambassador Haji Agus Salim and cost Asia conference in New Delhi , India , is also borne entirely by the people of Aceh .
All Acehnese was done willingly , knowing that the struggle for independence , including the practice of jihad fisabilillah very high value reward .Not enough with all the sacrifices it all , the people of Aceh also willingly bought two aircraft to be donated to the central government . This aircraft purchase using dollars obtained from the donations of the people of Aceh .The Acehnese women take off rings , necklaces , earrings , gold and silver jewelry all later collected in exchange for money . That money is used to purchase the aircraft , named Seulawah which means "Mountain of Gold " .The background is the purchase of two aircraft moving earnestly : In June 1948 , Sukarno visited Aceh . In a meeting at the Hotel Aceh , June 16, 1948 , Bung Karno said , " It would be nice if Indonesia has aircraft for strengthening national defense and strengthen the relationship between the island and the island . " Only a few hours after the Bung Karno declare it , entrepreneurs Aceh who joined the Indonesian Association of Regional merchant of Aceh ( Gasida ) held a special meeting . They agreed to unite the people of Aceh will collect all the money and gold jewelry silver to buy aircraft .Within two days the funds collected around 130,000 Straits Dollars ( Singapore Dollar ) . Chairman Gasida , Juned Muhammad Yusuf , along with several members of the Committee on Fund Dakota August 1, 1948 to leave for Singapore to bring these funds and gold weighing two kilograms .All were submitted to the Chairman of the Commission on Aircraft Purchase Officer II Air Wiweko . After take about three months , a Dakota aircraft arriving into the country in October 1948 . The aircraft was given the registration number RI - 001 as the number of special VIP aircraft . Is then given alias name Seulawah Gold Mountain . Being the only plane that did not know what and how its existence until now .In November 1948, the Bung Hatta around Sumatra after through Magelang , Yogyakarta , Jambi , Payakumbuh , and Banda Aceh , and then return back to Yogya . After doing a flight for 50 hours of flying , then on December 6, 1948 Seulawah flown to Calcutta, India , for tests and treatment .Dated January 20, 1949 , completed Seulawah treated . However, because of the situation in the country is not possible , then the permission of the government of Burma , Seulawah allowed to land in Rangoon and in the country 's civil aviation Seulawah serving approximately one and a half years to raise funds for the struggle of the Republic of Indonesia . On August 2, 1950 Seulawah come back to their homeland through the route Rangoon , Bangkok , Medan , Bandung and landed in a day later . Seulawah forerunner company is Indonesia's first commercial flight later transformed into a Garuda Indonesian Airways .When returned to the republic Yogyakarta , the Indonesian government did not have the money to move the wheels of government . Of Aceh , again , people were immediately raised funds channeled to Yogyakarta . Various donations of money , stationery , office equipment such as typewriters and so on , as well as drugs , flowing from Aceh to Yogyakarta .Even the people of Aceh when it donated gold bars weighing 5 pounds to the central government . The latter was evaporated somewhere. Acehnese people are also very concerned about the health condition of General Sudirman commander known as pious and devout religion , because it is from Aceh sent 40 bottles of injectable drugs streptomycin to treat his lung disease .This is a form of nationalism that the Acehnese are very high in maintaining the existence of the Republic of Indonesia which was then still very young and very weak . No exaggeration , no Muslim solidarity Aceh , the Indonesian government will be very difficult to maintain itself , might not even vanished Dutch malignancy .Bung Karno was then dubbed Aceh's capital for the struggle of the Republic of Indonesia . Even in his first visit to Aceh in 1948 , the figure Aceh Tengku Muhammad Daud Beureueh , Bung Karno pledged to support the application of Islamic law in the entire territory of Aceh . Something that not long before his own betrayal Bung Karno .The sacrifice of all the people of Aceh to the Republic of Indonesia is very big and vital . Aceh truly become the capital area , a warehouse kind of money for the central government in running the government and defend yourself from the onslaught of the Netherlands .Acehnese nationalism is very high . Services of the people of Aceh for the Republic of Indonesia is priceless . But how to reply from the central government to the people of Aceh when the Republic of Indonesia has standing under the government of President Sukarno ?
So a week Aceh capital of Indonesia
Almost forgotten from history , that Aceh had become the capital of the Republic of Indonesia while .Phenomenal events that occurred in 1948 , when the Dutch troops launched a military aggression against Jogjakarta II , which at the time became the capital of Indonesia . In an instant , Yogyakarta fall and controlled by the Dutch . At that time , Indonesia's first president , Sukarno, who are controlling the government was forced to choose a path to save the nation . There is no other choice at that time , President Sukarno was forced into exile to Aceh . After that time observe Biruen in one of the areas in Aceh is considered as the most secure locations .
Sukarno riding off to bireuen with Dakota aircraft . Dikemudi aircraft by Aceh is Teuku Iskandar 's son , landed smoothly at Cot Gapu civilian airfield in June 1948 . Welcomed the arrival of the president at the Military Governor of Aceh , Tengku Daud Beureu'eh , X Division Commander , Colonel Hussein Joesoef , Division X military officers , clergy and community leaders . Do not miss the Folk School children ( SR), also welcomed the arrival of the president and military PanglimaTertinggi . The next night at the airfield Cot Gapu held Leising ( meeting ) akbar . President Sukarno with his trademark , fiery speeches , burning morale of the people of Aceh in the Residency bireuen booming in Cot Gapu airfield . The people of Aceh are very proud to meet face to face and hear direct speech of president Soekarno 1947-1948 Dutch aggression that had reconquered East Sumatra , now known as North Sumatra .
During the week of President Sukarno was in Aceh , activity centered on bireuen Republic . He stays and control the government of Indonesia at the residence of Colonel Hussein Joesoef ( Meuligo Bireuen now ) . Clearly , in an emergency , once the capital of Indonesia Aceh third , after the fall of Yogyakarta to the Dutch power . Unfortunately, the historical record is almost forgotten and never expressed in the annals of Indonesia's independence .Ancestor Seulawah plane PT . Garuda
Covert true , unexpectedly turns first Indonesian plane is the result of donations and hard work the people of Aceh . RI - 001 air Seulawah Dakota , so it is called ( The plane is now enshrined in the Lap . Blang Padang - Banda Aceh ) . This aircraft was the forerunner to the establishment of the first commercial airline company which is now called the Indonesian Airways Garuda Indonesia . This plane is huge merit in the struggle of the early formation of the Indonesian state . Acehnese people handing Seulawah aircraft in 1948 to the government of Indonesia to continue the struggle against Dutch colonialism . Donations of the people of Aceh are equivalent to 20 kg of gold .When circumstances are precarious , Bung Karno call upon all the people of Indonesia that the struggle of Acehlah forwarded seize every inch of land occupied by the Dutch . Let this country lived as wide as an umbrella , the struggle to be continued until the occupiers leave from Indonesian soil . To demolish the Dutch blockade , the country needs an airplane . Already several areas in Sumatra Bung Karno flown , but only the people of Aceh who meet the recommended Bung Karno to donate airplanes .
When viewed in terms of physical , RI - 001 Dakota aircraft has a body length of 19.66 meters and 28.96 meters wingspan . Powered two Pratt & Whitney engines , weighs 8.030 kg . While cruising capabilities , with a maximum speed of 346 km / hour . Presence Dakota RI - 001 open Java - Sumatra flight path , even abroad . In November 1948, the Vice- President Mohammad Hatta was traveling around the Sumatra - Jambi route Maguwo - Payakumbuh - Kutaraja - Payakumbuh - Maguwo .Donations Monas gold merchant Aceh , Teuku Markam
National Monument ( Monas ) in Jakarta with 38 kg of gold on display at the top of the monument has a very blushing beauty . It turns behind the magnificent monument of 38 kg 28 kg gold on the monument is a donation of one who had been a merchant Aceh Indonesia's richest man , he is Teuku Markam . Of course a lot of assistance Teuku Markam other noteworthy in advancing the Indonesian economy at the time of Sukarno , to put Markam in a legend .
Business activity completely suppressed . Living heirs stranded up there who suffer from mental depression . Orba ended up power , good name Teuku Markam was never rehabilitated .His children try to survive at all costs and take advantage of the former business connections Teuku Markam . And now , Teuku Markam heirs are fighting to restore the rights of parents.
Given such a large role in the business arena and the Indonesian economy , Teuku Markam once touted as a member of the shadow cabinet Sukarno government . Role Markam be collapsed along with the reign of governance regime of President Suharto's rule in Indonesia.
Sadly, eventually he was detained for eight years on charges involving PKI . His assets were confiscated outright by the New Order regime . Ever tried to get up sekeluar from prison , but could not last long . He died in 1985 . Business activity completely suppressed . Living heirs stranded up there who suffer from mental depression . Orba ended up power , good name Teuku Markam never done rehabilitir far by the community and government .Arun and Rebellion in Aceh
Arun LNG facility has been an important contributor to a positive balance of nature Indonesian national gas / LNG trade . Arun ( Lhokseumawe , Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam ) have contributed significantly to the national and local economy for more than three decades . Other gas -based industries developed around Arun , including two leading fertilizer plant in the country , AAF ( Asean Aceh Fertilizer ) and Iskandar Muda .
Aceh province is an area that has a long tradition against the Indonesian central government in Jakarta . This resistance began as a religious movement , but gained a different tone once Mobil Oil Indonesia ( MOI ) found great wealth of oil and natural gas in Lhokseumawe , North Aceh in 1971.
This discovery inspired the development of Lhokseumawe Industrial Estate ( Zils ) , a bag intended for fuel oil and gas extraction ( LNG ) for export overseas experience . While Zils have been profitable for the MOI ( now called Exxon Mobil Indonesia ) and a power broker in Jakarta , Aceh only experienced harmful side effects of this zone : environmental degradation , dislocation of indigenous families , a large influx of migrant workers , and the disruption in their traditional livelihood . This injustice led to the emergence of the Free Aceh Movement ( GAM ) , a separatist front is determined to see Aceh became independent and the oil-rich sultanate .
Exxon Mobil has attempted to present himself as a player " neutral " in the war waged between Jakarta and the rebels , maintaining a somewhat false separation between business and " politics " . This strategy has proven successful . Recently , Aceh rebels specifically targeted Exxon Mobil , a development that has led the company to cease production of LNG in Zils until security is returned to the province .
Even more debt to Aceh Indonesia .1 . When the territory of Indonesia is almost entirely controlled by the Dutch during the war of independence , Acehlah who become donors for Indonesia . Aceh fund activities Indonesian ambassadors and representatives abroad , also financed UN representatives .In addition , also finance the Aceh mission trip youth minister of Foreign Affairs , H. Agus Salim , the Middle East and Asia at a conference in New Delhi . When the central government is in vacuum Yogyakarta , Aceh also provides funds for government .2 . Acehnese people have also donated two planes for the Indonesian government . The plane is a plane that is kind dakota Seulawah Dakota RI - 001 and RI - 002 purchased in Singapore , October 1948 . Acehnese entrepreneurs also provide one aircraft type " RI - 004 Avro Anson " purchased in Thailand , the planes paid for by using pure gold donations of the people of Aceh . So , three aircraft granting Aceh which is the first Indonesian fleet to blockade the Dutch air .3 . Aceh also provide a vessel weighing 100 tons with registration number PPB 58 LB to RI fleet .4 . Aceh also has a radio known as " Radio Rimba Raya " which bertempatkan in Takengon , Central Aceh .Many also forget the role of jungle radio this for Indonesia's independence . The news of Indonesian independence known to the world through the radio .5 . Troops from Aceh has also been doing the Long March towards front " Field Area " when the Medan , North Sumatra successfully controlled by the Dutch . This is a commitment for the independence of Indonesia Aceh . So when it was known as the Aceh area that has the most powerful defense bases in Sumatra .
ACEH Indonesia replies to people is :1 . President Sukarno had broken a promise to Aceh . At that time, he never begged in tears on Aceh Indonesia to continue to support and remain a supplierfunds for the independence of Indonesia . He promised to give special autonomy to Aceh to conduct Islamic Shari'a in its own territory .Promise that devastated Aceh minded people who apparently never honored by Sukarno . That's why , ultimately Aceh rebel then came the protracted conflict to peace accord in Helsinki between Aceh and Indonesia echoed .2 . ACEH conflict that raged answered with " Martial Law " by Indonesia and became the arena ' GENOCIDE ' . Simpang KKA tragedy , Rumoh Geudong , Tgk Massacre . Bantakiyah cs , forced disappearances activist cleric who opposes violence RI . It was a few of the many cases that until now only a melancholy story of us alone .As Komnas HAM said : NO HAM FOR YOU ( Acehnese ) .
Hope and longing Acehnese Kian depth
So great services to the Homeland Acehnese struggle for independence since Indonesia began a monumental endowments of the people of Aceh are wrapped with sincerity . This is certainly a fundamental reason that the province is said to be a local fair capital of Indonesia's independence .
Conflict and post- tsunami Aceh , Aceh and Indonesia relationship is improving after tanganinya sign MoU in 2006. Nevertheless , there are still many points of agreement in the game as if peace RI . An attitude not ikhlasnya Indonesia in Aceh attention seriously . It must be understood by the Indonesian government that sincere love is the desire of the people of Aceh , Aceh are safe people to prosper .Note ;This article comes from a blog , rather than aiming to heat up the atmosphere - manaskanis happening now between Aceh and Indonesia , but this is the fact of history that occurred ,while people outside Aceh ,especially outside the island of Sumatra , Java, Kalimantan , Sulawesi , and others considerAcehnese people make mistakes , such as the case of GAM 's most well-known and already I feel alonelike people outside Aceh commented , while there is a reason why it happened like in Aceh ,There is no reason why the Acehnese people do like it , because the public has been lied to a lot of Indonesia 'sAceh itself why such cases ..sources :
Debt Service Indonesia in Aceh
desperate people of Aceh on this country is very large indeed . When the central government in Yogya arrested by the Dutch in the war to maintain independence , established the Emergency Government ( Government Emergency RI ), based in Bukittinggi , West Sumatra . Many unknown audience , all Emergency Government expenditure and operational funds are financed by the people of Aceh .From the operational funds of the Navy , and the Air Force Staff , Dr. diplomatic missions . Soedarsono to India and L. N. Palar at UN headquarters in New York , U.S. , RI representative operational funds in Penang and Singapore , the cost of spending RI roving ambassador Haji Agus Salim and cost Asia conference in New Delhi , India , is also borne entirely by the people of Aceh .
All Acehnese was done willingly , knowing that the struggle for independence , including the practice of jihad fisabilillah very high value reward .Not enough with all the sacrifices it all , the people of Aceh also willingly bought two aircraft to be donated to the central government . This aircraft purchase using dollars obtained from the donations of the people of Aceh .The Acehnese women take off rings , necklaces , earrings , gold and silver jewelry all later collected in exchange for money . That money is used to purchase the aircraft , named Seulawah which means "Mountain of Gold " .The background is the purchase of two aircraft moving earnestly : In June 1948 , Sukarno visited Aceh . In a meeting at the Hotel Aceh , June 16, 1948 , Bung Karno said , " It would be nice if Indonesia has aircraft for strengthening national defense and strengthen the relationship between the island and the island . " Only a few hours after the Bung Karno declare it , entrepreneurs Aceh who joined the Indonesian Association of Regional merchant of Aceh ( Gasida ) held a special meeting . They agreed to unite the people of Aceh will collect all the money and gold jewelry silver to buy aircraft .Within two days the funds collected around 130,000 Straits Dollars ( Singapore Dollar ) . Chairman Gasida , Juned Muhammad Yusuf , along with several members of the Committee on Fund Dakota August 1, 1948 to leave for Singapore to bring these funds and gold weighing two kilograms .All were submitted to the Chairman of the Commission on Aircraft Purchase Officer II Air Wiweko . After take about three months , a Dakota aircraft arriving into the country in October 1948 . The aircraft was given the registration number RI - 001 as the number of special VIP aircraft . Is then given alias name Seulawah Gold Mountain . Being the only plane that did not know what and how its existence until now .In November 1948, the Bung Hatta around Sumatra after through Magelang , Yogyakarta , Jambi , Payakumbuh , and Banda Aceh , and then return back to Yogya . After doing a flight for 50 hours of flying , then on December 6, 1948 Seulawah flown to Calcutta, India , for tests and treatment .Dated January 20, 1949 , completed Seulawah treated . However, because of the situation in the country is not possible , then the permission of the government of Burma , Seulawah allowed to land in Rangoon and in the country 's civil aviation Seulawah serving approximately one and a half years to raise funds for the struggle of the Republic of Indonesia . On August 2, 1950 Seulawah come back to their homeland through the route Rangoon , Bangkok , Medan , Bandung and landed in a day later . Seulawah forerunner company is Indonesia's first commercial flight later transformed into a Garuda Indonesian Airways .When returned to the republic Yogyakarta , the Indonesian government did not have the money to move the wheels of government . Of Aceh , again , people were immediately raised funds channeled to Yogyakarta . Various donations of money , stationery , office equipment such as typewriters and so on , as well as drugs , flowing from Aceh to Yogyakarta .Even the people of Aceh when it donated gold bars weighing 5 pounds to the central government . The latter was evaporated somewhere. Acehnese people are also very concerned about the health condition of General Sudirman commander known as pious and devout religion , because it is from Aceh sent 40 bottles of injectable drugs streptomycin to treat his lung disease .This is a form of nationalism that the Acehnese are very high in maintaining the existence of the Republic of Indonesia which was then still very young and very weak . No exaggeration , no Muslim solidarity Aceh , the Indonesian government will be very difficult to maintain itself , might not even vanished Dutch malignancy .Bung Karno was then dubbed Aceh's capital for the struggle of the Republic of Indonesia . Even in his first visit to Aceh in 1948 , the figure Aceh Tengku Muhammad Daud Beureueh , Bung Karno pledged to support the application of Islamic law in the entire territory of Aceh . Something that not long before his own betrayal Bung Karno .The sacrifice of all the people of Aceh to the Republic of Indonesia is very big and vital . Aceh truly become the capital area , a warehouse kind of money for the central government in running the government and defend yourself from the onslaught of the Netherlands .Acehnese nationalism is very high . Services of the people of Aceh for the Republic of Indonesia is priceless . But how to reply from the central government to the people of Aceh when the Republic of Indonesia has standing under the government of President Sukarno ?
So a week Aceh capital of Indonesia
Almost forgotten from history , that Aceh had become the capital of the Republic of Indonesia while .Phenomenal events that occurred in 1948 , when the Dutch troops launched a military aggression against Jogjakarta II , which at the time became the capital of Indonesia . In an instant , Yogyakarta fall and controlled by the Dutch . At that time , Indonesia's first president , Sukarno, who are controlling the government was forced to choose a path to save the nation . There is no other choice at that time , President Sukarno was forced into exile to Aceh . After that time observe Biruen in one of the areas in Aceh is considered as the most secure locations .
Sukarno riding off to bireuen with Dakota aircraft . Dikemudi aircraft by Aceh is Teuku Iskandar 's son , landed smoothly at Cot Gapu civilian airfield in June 1948 . Welcomed the arrival of the president at the Military Governor of Aceh , Tengku Daud Beureu'eh , X Division Commander , Colonel Hussein Joesoef , Division X military officers , clergy and community leaders . Do not miss the Folk School children ( SR), also welcomed the arrival of the president and military PanglimaTertinggi . The next night at the airfield Cot Gapu held Leising ( meeting ) akbar . President Sukarno with his trademark , fiery speeches , burning morale of the people of Aceh in the Residency bireuen booming in Cot Gapu airfield . The people of Aceh are very proud to meet face to face and hear direct speech of president Soekarno 1947-1948 Dutch aggression that had reconquered East Sumatra , now known as North Sumatra .
During the week of President Sukarno was in Aceh , activity centered on bireuen Republic . He stays and control the government of Indonesia at the residence of Colonel Hussein Joesoef ( Meuligo Bireuen now ) . Clearly , in an emergency , once the capital of Indonesia Aceh third , after the fall of Yogyakarta to the Dutch power . Unfortunately, the historical record is almost forgotten and never expressed in the annals of Indonesia's independence .Ancestor Seulawah plane PT . Garuda
Covert true , unexpectedly turns first Indonesian plane is the result of donations and hard work the people of Aceh . RI - 001 air Seulawah Dakota , so it is called ( The plane is now enshrined in the Lap . Blang Padang - Banda Aceh ) . This aircraft was the forerunner to the establishment of the first commercial airline company which is now called the Indonesian Airways Garuda Indonesia . This plane is huge merit in the struggle of the early formation of the Indonesian state . Acehnese people handing Seulawah aircraft in 1948 to the government of Indonesia to continue the struggle against Dutch colonialism . Donations of the people of Aceh are equivalent to 20 kg of gold .When circumstances are precarious , Bung Karno call upon all the people of Indonesia that the struggle of Acehlah forwarded seize every inch of land occupied by the Dutch . Let this country lived as wide as an umbrella , the struggle to be continued until the occupiers leave from Indonesian soil . To demolish the Dutch blockade , the country needs an airplane . Already several areas in Sumatra Bung Karno flown , but only the people of Aceh who meet the recommended Bung Karno to donate airplanes .
When viewed in terms of physical , RI - 001 Dakota aircraft has a body length of 19.66 meters and 28.96 meters wingspan . Powered two Pratt & Whitney engines , weighs 8.030 kg . While cruising capabilities , with a maximum speed of 346 km / hour . Presence Dakota RI - 001 open Java - Sumatra flight path , even abroad . In November 1948, the Vice- President Mohammad Hatta was traveling around the Sumatra - Jambi route Maguwo - Payakumbuh - Kutaraja - Payakumbuh - Maguwo .Donations Monas gold merchant Aceh , Teuku Markam
National Monument ( Monas ) in Jakarta with 38 kg of gold on display at the top of the monument has a very blushing beauty . It turns behind the magnificent monument of 38 kg 28 kg gold on the monument is a donation of one who had been a merchant Aceh Indonesia's richest man , he is Teuku Markam . Of course a lot of assistance Teuku Markam other noteworthy in advancing the Indonesian economy at the time of Sukarno , to put Markam in a legend .
Business activity completely suppressed . Living heirs stranded up there who suffer from mental depression . Orba ended up power , good name Teuku Markam was never rehabilitated .His children try to survive at all costs and take advantage of the former business connections Teuku Markam . And now , Teuku Markam heirs are fighting to restore the rights of parents.
Given such a large role in the business arena and the Indonesian economy , Teuku Markam once touted as a member of the shadow cabinet Sukarno government . Role Markam be collapsed along with the reign of governance regime of President Suharto's rule in Indonesia.
Sadly, eventually he was detained for eight years on charges involving PKI . His assets were confiscated outright by the New Order regime . Ever tried to get up sekeluar from prison , but could not last long . He died in 1985 . Business activity completely suppressed . Living heirs stranded up there who suffer from mental depression . Orba ended up power , good name Teuku Markam never done rehabilitir far by the community and government .Arun and Rebellion in Aceh
Arun LNG facility has been an important contributor to a positive balance of nature Indonesian national gas / LNG trade . Arun ( Lhokseumawe , Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam ) have contributed significantly to the national and local economy for more than three decades . Other gas -based industries developed around Arun , including two leading fertilizer plant in the country , AAF ( Asean Aceh Fertilizer ) and Iskandar Muda .
Aceh province is an area that has a long tradition against the Indonesian central government in Jakarta . This resistance began as a religious movement , but gained a different tone once Mobil Oil Indonesia ( MOI ) found great wealth of oil and natural gas in Lhokseumawe , North Aceh in 1971.
This discovery inspired the development of Lhokseumawe Industrial Estate ( Zils ) , a bag intended for fuel oil and gas extraction ( LNG ) for export overseas experience . While Zils have been profitable for the MOI ( now called Exxon Mobil Indonesia ) and a power broker in Jakarta , Aceh only experienced harmful side effects of this zone : environmental degradation , dislocation of indigenous families , a large influx of migrant workers , and the disruption in their traditional livelihood . This injustice led to the emergence of the Free Aceh Movement ( GAM ) , a separatist front is determined to see Aceh became independent and the oil-rich sultanate .
Exxon Mobil has attempted to present himself as a player " neutral " in the war waged between Jakarta and the rebels , maintaining a somewhat false separation between business and " politics " . This strategy has proven successful . Recently , Aceh rebels specifically targeted Exxon Mobil , a development that has led the company to cease production of LNG in Zils until security is returned to the province .
Even more debt to Aceh Indonesia .1 . When the territory of Indonesia is almost entirely controlled by the Dutch during the war of independence , Acehlah who become donors for Indonesia . Aceh fund activities Indonesian ambassadors and representatives abroad , also financed UN representatives .In addition , also finance the Aceh mission trip youth minister of Foreign Affairs , H. Agus Salim , the Middle East and Asia at a conference in New Delhi . When the central government is in vacuum Yogyakarta , Aceh also provides funds for government .2 . Acehnese people have also donated two planes for the Indonesian government . The plane is a plane that is kind dakota Seulawah Dakota RI - 001 and RI - 002 purchased in Singapore , October 1948 . Acehnese entrepreneurs also provide one aircraft type " RI - 004 Avro Anson " purchased in Thailand , the planes paid for by using pure gold donations of the people of Aceh . So , three aircraft granting Aceh which is the first Indonesian fleet to blockade the Dutch air .3 . Aceh also provide a vessel weighing 100 tons with registration number PPB 58 LB to RI fleet .4 . Aceh also has a radio known as " Radio Rimba Raya " which bertempatkan in Takengon , Central Aceh .Many also forget the role of jungle radio this for Indonesia's independence . The news of Indonesian independence known to the world through the radio .5 . Troops from Aceh has also been doing the Long March towards front " Field Area " when the Medan , North Sumatra successfully controlled by the Dutch . This is a commitment for the independence of Indonesia Aceh . So when it was known as the Aceh area that has the most powerful defense bases in Sumatra .
ACEH Indonesia replies to people is :1 . President Sukarno had broken a promise to Aceh . At that time, he never begged in tears on Aceh Indonesia to continue to support and remain a supplierfunds for the independence of Indonesia . He promised to give special autonomy to Aceh to conduct Islamic Shari'a in its own territory .Promise that devastated Aceh minded people who apparently never honored by Sukarno . That's why , ultimately Aceh rebel then came the protracted conflict to peace accord in Helsinki between Aceh and Indonesia echoed .2 . ACEH conflict that raged answered with " Martial Law " by Indonesia and became the arena ' GENOCIDE ' . Simpang KKA tragedy , Rumoh Geudong , Tgk Massacre . Bantakiyah cs , forced disappearances activist cleric who opposes violence RI . It was a few of the many cases that until now only a melancholy story of us alone .As Komnas HAM said : NO HAM FOR YOU ( Acehnese ) .
Hope and longing Acehnese Kian depth
So great services to the Homeland Acehnese struggle for independence since Indonesia began a monumental endowments of the people of Aceh are wrapped with sincerity . This is certainly a fundamental reason that the province is said to be a local fair capital of Indonesia's independence .
Conflict and post- tsunami Aceh , Aceh and Indonesia relationship is improving after tanganinya sign MoU in 2006. Nevertheless , there are still many points of agreement in the game as if peace RI . An attitude not ikhlasnya Indonesia in Aceh attention seriously . It must be understood by the Indonesian government that sincere love is the desire of the people of Aceh , Aceh are safe people to prosper .Note ;This article comes from a blog , rather than aiming to heat up the atmosphere - manaskanis happening now between Aceh and Indonesia , but this is the fact of history that occurred ,while people outside Aceh ,especially outside the island of Sumatra , Java, Kalimantan , Sulawesi , and others considerAcehnese people make mistakes , such as the case of GAM 's most well-known and already I feel alonelike people outside Aceh commented , while there is a reason why it happened like in Aceh ,There is no reason why the Acehnese people do like it , because the public has been lied to a lot of Indonesia 'sAceh itself why such cases ..sources :
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